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Gulu Twenty Three

Gulu Twenty Three

Twenty three days until departure to Gulu. If you had followed this blog a year ago in the run up to Cairo, you would understand that I have a fascination with countdowns. Particularly at the end of the year, and particularly for adventures. This involves both. The...
Come, little Dragon

Come, little Dragon

It’s night. It’s late and there is much to do tomorrow. Life and adventure wait on the other side of sunrise and it’s been a while since I wrote from the heart. So here is something to say I remember. Come once more, little dragon. Away for a day,...
Gearing Up

Gearing Up

Today was my last proper day of class and the lucky beans are back on the sidewalks. There is one more assignment to be handed in – a whale-esque 5,000 word nonfiction piece – but barring some intervention from the gods of unanticipated disasters, I can...
Gearing Up

Things Worth Doing

Grahamstown, and journalism, was never about being a reporter. Like anything really, truly worth doing, it was about something bigger. It was in part about sharpening my storytelling. But also that over the years, travel brought me to realise how deep the shadow at...